What is Heel Pain & How Can it Be Treated?

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Heel Pain Adelaide

Pain in the heel could be very excruciating and unbearable with those suffering from it even unable to walk as the heel is that part of our anatomy that takes a heavy toll when we walk, jog or run.

If heel pain is not treated and done so in time patients could aggravate the problem and suffer for longer periods of time than necessary and could also injure the heel much more than what it was.

Hence consulting the qualified, trained and experienced professionals at your local podiatrist would be in the better interests of the patient concerned.

But what is really heel pain Adelaide and how does it occur and what part of our anatomy does it affect, would be pertinent questions that we would have to ask ourselves after or even before we could sustain an injury and experience the excruciating pain associated with such a condition.

The heel

The heel as we see in the image above is the posterior ends of our lower feet, and is subject to constant movement with a dedicated bone called the Calcaneus or heel bone that takes the brunt of all our activities using our feet.

Any damage to the many cartilages holding the bones of the heel or its extensions could cause severe and excruciating pain which could be unbearable, making the patient to be immobile.

The free movement of the Calcaneus or heel bone should not be hindered and when that happens or when the cartilage between the bones are wasted heel pain would be the ultimate result.

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The most common heel pain is medically referred to as Plantar Fasciitis, which is caused when inflammation occurs in the band of fibrous tissue that is present at the bottom of the feet just above the sole and below the bones.

Treating heel pain

A few exercises which would address the pain could be initiated but it would be advisable to consult podiatry if the pain persists and you are still experiencing discomfort.

1) Stand shoeless with left foot stretched as back as possible and the other closer to a blank wall, press both palms onto the wall whilst feeling the stretch at the heel and the back of left foot.

Hold the stretch for about 30 seconds giving the back leg and heel as much stretch as possible and then change to other foot and repeat, continue the exercise daily for optimum results.

2) When Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Adelaide occurs and pain persists in the sole area of the feet, apply gentle but deep pressure on the sole of the feet from back to front. Continue it a few times and on a regular basis a few times daily.

The above are just two simple exercises that we could do at home when we are after a hard day’s work and our feet especially the heel hurts but this would not be a permanent cure if the heel pain or heel spur treatment Adelaide persists.

Consulting local professionals and having treatment to rectify the problem permanently would be in your best interests.